Thursday, October 29, 2009

Muhammad the Cab Driver

               Yesterday I hopped into a yellow cab with my two brothers Josh and Daniel. I sat in the front seat and started a phone call as the elderly cab driver took us onto the highway headed back toward our hotel. As I was mid-through my call I noticed the conversation my brothers started about the mans background. Josh guessed he was of Jewish origin which immediately enraged the man. He began to tell us how he was a devout Muslim and he attempted to evangelize us in a cab he didnt even own.  This man risked losing his job to tell three Americans about Allah. In leaving the cab we graciously witnessed to him about Jesus, lets just say he didn't take it very well, this gave him the courage to tell me his name, Muhammad.

             Today all of this got me thinking, when is the last time I risked everything to tell of Jesus love? This cab driver was so bold with the lie he bought into, how much more bold should we be having the truth?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fireproof producer to appear in Testify Magazine

On his way from Albany to Atlanta, the $34 million box-office drama Fireproof producer Stephen Kendrick lent Testify Mag an hour to talk about his theology of film, the difference between his first film and his last film, his email from Chuck Norris, taking bad criticism, and what it is like to keep Christ at the center of every aspect of film-making. Fireproof Story to appear in November 1st edition of Testify.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Not Just 140 Characters

        Welcome to the Information generation, this is a period in history when there are more ways to communicate than any other time in human existence. Our world revolves around the nanobyte, ipod,  internet video, Twitter craze. We as human beings walk about our daily lives unaware of the various amounts of info we subconsciously take in. As a christian the foremost reason I am alive is to grow in relationship with my creator. I see all the various relationships brought into my life as a mirror of that greatest relationship with Him. When you look at life in this way it becomes simple to understand the hierarchy of purpose in it all. With the dawn of technology it brought many good things but also many horrible options. Any thought imaginable can be brought to life in vivid form with the click of a button.

       Think of how many pornography sites are added worldwide per minute, the statistics become alarming. As result of this I believe an entire generation will lose their understanding of what it means to love. Don't be scared off by this, Romans 12:21 says; Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. What would happen if every tweet and blog post you publish comes from a premeditated mission to overcome evil with good. Lives undoubtedly would start being affected for the better. Blogs are at their highest point of affectability right now, micro blogs like Twitter leading that statistic. So spend more time on your post, actually think before you tweet. Devote the 140 characters of a twitter message to God. Stop hating sinners, bring them into you're social network. When you stand before God in heaven, how will you be held accountable given the opportunity to live in information generation. How much will YOU contribute to the statistics?